What if I Get a Cold Before My Plastic Surgery Procedure?

Many people opt to undergo plastic surgery during the winter and spring months, since this typically offers enough time to recover before the busy summer months arrive. Unfortunately, this is also the end of the cold and flu season, which can make patients nervous when they have surgery scheduled. The decision of whether or not your cosmetic surgery will need to be postponed due to sickness will be determined on a case-by-case basis. In general, if you have mild cold […]
What Causes a Double Chin?

Submental fat, often referred to as a “double chin,” is the excess fat that collects under the chin and along the neck. A double chin can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a person’s genetics, age, diet, and weight. Additionally, the skin in this area can lose elasticity as we age, which sometimes contributes to the appearance of a double chin. Although a person’s weight may affect how much stubborn fat accumulates in this area, it can […]
How Soon After Giving Birth Can I Get Plastic Surgery?

Most women recognize that pregnancy can have lasting effects on their body, but the extent of these changes is often not fully understood until entering the postpartum period. Pregnancy affects everyone differently based on factors like their overall health, their age, degree of weight fluctuation, and how many past pregnancies they have had. Despite knowing it may take time to recover from their pregnancy, new mothers can often feel discouraged if they struggle to restore their pre-baby figure. While having […]
The Importance of Wearing a Proper-Fitting Bra

Proper-fitting bras can help women feel more confident, reduce premature breast sagging, reduce the deep creases and bulges around the chest, and prevent issues in the future. Research has shown that the majority of women are wearing the wrong bra size, which can lead to a variety of problems. Since bras do not have standardized sizing, the same size in one brand can be different in another, making it difficult to find a consistent size that provides optimal support. Our […]
How Can I Get Rid of a Double Chin?

Excess fat below the chin, known as submental fullness, can cause the jawline to lose definition and a “double chin” to develop. This is a common cosmetic concern that affects many people, even those living a healthy lifestyle. Since this fatty tissue tends to resist diet and exercise efforts, men and women often turn to cosmetic treatments to help resolve their double chin appearance. Traditionally, liposuction has been the most effective solution for removing excess fat cells around the chin […]