The Importance of Wearing a Proper-Fitting Bra

Proper-fitting bras can help women feel more confident, reduce premature breast sagging, reduce the deep creases and bulges around the chest, and prevent issues in the future. Research has shown that the majority of women are wearing the wrong bra size, which can lead to a variety of problems. Since bras do not have standardized sizing, the same size in one brand can be different in another, making it difficult to find a consistent size that provides optimal support. Our […]
Dermal Fillers vs. BOTOX® Injections

Cosmetic injectables are a highly popular and effective way to restore a more youthful facial appearance. While both dermal fillers and BOTOX Cosmetic can create smoother, younger-looking results, each type of injectable has a different purpose. Depending on the specific concerns presented by a patient, one of the injectables may be more appropriate than the other. Dermal fillers like JUVÉDERM® are typically used to rejuvenate a patient’s appearance by enhancing their facial contours, such as the cheeks or lips. This […]
How Can I Get Rid of a Double Chin?

Excess fat below the chin, known as submental fullness, can cause the jawline to lose definition and a “double chin” to develop. This is a common cosmetic concern that affects many people, even those living a healthy lifestyle. Since this fatty tissue tends to resist diet and exercise efforts, men and women often turn to cosmetic treatments to help resolve their double chin appearance. Traditionally, liposuction has been the most effective solution for removing excess fat cells around the chin […]
6 Common Misconceptions About diVa® Vaginal Therapy

diVa® Laser Vaginal Therapy is a revolutionary procedure for women suffering from symptoms like vaginal dryness, looseness, and urinary stress incontinence. This non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedure can help restore women’s vaginal health and wellness by sending precise hybrid fractional laser energy into the vaginal canal. With diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy offering such an effective method for addressing common intimate concerns among women, Nancy Neiderer, RN, BSN, our laser specialist, is debunking misconceptions many patients tend to have before undergoing the […]
Leesburg Plastic Surgery Practice Debunks diVa® Vaginal Therapy Myths

Nancy Neiderer, RN of Parva Plastic Surgery shares her thoughts about common misconceptions about diVa Vaginal Laser Therapy, helping patients to better understand what to expect from the non-surgical procedure. Leesburg, VA — As part of his commitment to help patients improve their overall well-being through cosmetic and reconstruction surgical procedures, Leesburg plastic surgeon Behzad Parva, MD offers the innovative diVa® Laser Vaginal Therapy procedure by Sciton®. Performed by the practice’s laser specialist, Nancy Neiderer, RN, BSN, this non-surgical vaginal […]